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tips on saving gas mileage

6 Tips to Improve Gas Mileage

With the continuous increase in gas prices, it wouldn’t be surprising for many car owners to find ways to improve gas mileage. You can’t control the fluctuations of gas prices; however, you can adjust your driving habits to use gas in the most efficient ways possible. Here are six useful tips to improve gas mileage […]

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Synthetic Vs Conventional Oil

If you own a car, then you may have come across synthetic oil and conventional oil during your routine oil change. The use of synthetic and conventional oils has been a favorite subject of debate among car enthusiasts. Choosing the right oil for your vehicle is crucial to ensure that your car is receiving the […]

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Why Does My Car Shake?

It is normal for our car to slightly shake when you are turning the engine on. Then a smooth riding experience should follow after it. However, if the shaking continues and becomes even more noticeable like you are on a roller coaster ride, then this is a different case. It could be a warning sign […]

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