During this time of the year, people are advised not to go out or travel because the snow and ice can expose drivers to several risks involving the slippery road. Even the slightest bit of ice you hit on the road can be hazardous. It is best to stay inside and avoid driving but in case you need to go out to do important tasks, it is best to gear yourself with tips for driving on snow and ice.
Always Be Prepared
If a situation arises and it is necessary for you to drive, it is always important that you are well prepared before you hit the road. Remember to make sure that your car is clear of ice and snow. Having snow or ice on your car can cause obstruction while driving. Here are more important tips that will surely come in handy and can save your life when driving in the winter.
Tip 1. Slow down
Allow extra time to drive from one place to another. Driving slowly can decrease your chance of encountering accidents when driving during winter. You never know when you’ll come across an ice patch.
Tip 2. Keep your distance
You may have often heard this reminder; however, this is particularly crucial when driving during the winter season. The general rule is to keep three to four seconds behind the vehicle in front of you. Under winter conditions, stay behind for at least six to eight seconds instead.
Tip 3. Headlights on
Keeping your headlights on is also applicable even during the day. It is important to have a clear view of the road and to make yourself visible to others. Be sure they are clean and clear at all times.
Tip 4. Have an emergency kit
This is important especially if you live in a region that experiences heavy snowfall during this season. You never know when you can get stranded on the road due to the fast accumulating snow. Some key things to keep in your emergency kit are:
Jumper cables
Bottled water
Road flares
First-aid kit
Tip 5. Use snow tires
Using snow tires is probably one of the best things you can do to increase your safety and protection when driving during winter. Winter tires can provide more traction in snow and ice; thus, minimize accidents especially on slippery roads.
Driving in the winter months is unavoidable, so it is crucial to follow life-saving driving tips mentioned above in order to keep yourself protected and safe.